Welcome to Craft and Art Store. We are a group of people who want to spread Argentinean culture by promoting and marketing handcrafted products made by craftsmen and women in our country. We believe in passing our culture forward by showing unique pieces made by keeping the traditions of our ancestors, using native materials and ancient techniques, in search of the design of a real jewelry. We’d like to invite you to appreciate our distinctive pieces.

Wool Products - Productos de Lana

One of our goals is to contribute to spread our culture around the world and to support craftspeople in their search for taking care of our culture. 
So we have our wool products made by an organization called RED PUNA which gathers native and peasant communities of La Puna and Quebrada in Jujuy, north of Argentina, who with daily work struggle to live day by day with dignity and self-respect in their land.
They make craft works using native materials and ancestral techniques, maintaining the tradition, in search of the design of textile jewelry. For each piece they raise and shear the animals and spin the yarns, dye and loom weave using ancient knowledge.

Uno de nuestros objetivos es contribuir a la difusión de nuestra cultura por el mundo y apoyar a nuestros artesanos en su búsqueda por mantener nuestra cultura.
Es por esto que nuestros productos de lana son realizados por una organización llamada RED PUNA formada por comunidades aborígenes y campesinas de la Puna y Quebrada Jujeñas que con el trabajo diario luchan por vivir con dignidad en nuestra tierra. Realizan tareas artesanales y para eso usan materiales originarios y técnicas ancestrales continuando con nuestra tradición, en busca del diseño de una joya textil. Para cada pieza crían y esquilan los animales, hacen manualmente el hilo, lo tiñen y tejen usando saberes milenarios.